Ali‘i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club was created in 1973 by Native Hawaiian elders who advocated for the preservation and protection of Native Hawaiian culture, education, sacred site restoration and healing practices. It is a charter member of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, founded by Prince Kūhio in 1918, the oldest Native Hawaiian community-based advocacy movement and sits on the O‘ahu Council, Ke One o Kākuhihewa, named after a benevolent chief of O‘ahu who was the grandson of Kalanimanu`ia, the founder of Loko i‘a Pā‘aiau.

Ali`i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club holds a MOU with the U.S. Navy to restore the fishpond.

Living Life Source Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that promotes the practice of Aloha and peace. As determined in the MOU, LLSF serves as the fiscal sponsor for the restoration project.


City and County of Honolulu

Noa Webster Aluli Foundation

‘Aiea Community Association

Ali‘i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club

Solomon Apio

Sally-Jo Bowman

Malia Everette, AltruVistas

Commander Darrel & Mrs. Julie Frame

Bernice Glenn

Honolulu Friends

Kua ‘Āina Ulu ‘Auamo

The Kalani ‘Ohana

Bruce Keaulani

Living Life Source Foundation

The W.K. Lum ‘Ohana

The Lum Family

Malama Learning Center

National Environmental Education Foundation and Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program (National Lands Day)

Leinaala Nakamura

National Lands Day Program


Navy Region Hawaii

NineTwelve Institute Inc.

OEDB, Aloha Connects Innovation

Pacific American Foundation

Jeff Pantaleo and ‘Ohana *

Verna Apio Takashima

Washington Prime/Pearlridge Center

Captain and Mrs. Dale Wilcox

Kekoa Foundation

Lineal Descendants

Descendants of Mo‘i Wahine Kalanimanuia

Descendants of Mo‘i Kamehameha

Descendants of Aluli

Descendants of Kupihea

Descendants of Ka‘iliahi and Mikalemi

Descendants of ‘Opunui

Stephanie Malia Hutch

‘Aiea Community Association

The Haumana of Hā‘ola, ‘Aiea High School (Kumu Keola Kalani)

Ellis Akana

Kaela Akina-Magnussen

Ali‘i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club*

Micah Alofaituli

Dr. Emmett Aluli*

Webster Kalani Aluli

Pono Apio

Uncle Solomon Apio

Ida Aspinall

Gervais Baptist

Malia Bell

Katerie Boursiquot

Dashka Boursiquot

Robert Bowers*

Isaiah Burch

The Burnett ‘Ohana

Scott Bush

Stanford Carr

Adam and Michelle Chaison

Laurie Chang

Kennard Chong

Lori Chun

Kanani‘ohōkūlani D’Angelo *

Damien High School Seniors (Class of 2021)

Ivan Dilda

Council Member Brandon Elefante

John-Bull English

Ignacio Fleishour and Makana Provisions

Darrel and Julie Frame & `Ohana

Jacob Frankel

Scotty Garlough

Bernice Kiyo Glenn *

The Glab ‘Ohana

The Guy ‘Ohana

Paige Hamada

Kauwila Hanchett

Hawai‘i State Department of Education - Videoproduction Branch

Hawea Heiau Complex

The Hearther ‘Ohana

Daylin and Conrad Heather & `Ohana

Tiana Henderson

Hōlani Hana

Jordon Higa

Karen Higa

Huntington Ingalls Industries Hawaii

Noelani, Pono and Maui Iokepa-Guerrero

Aliah Irvine

Kathy Isobe

Dr. Katy Jane

Representative Aaron Johanson

Adam Jones and Michelle Chaison & ‘Ohana

The Kaahanui & Medallon ‘Ohana

Kumu Keola Kalani *

Uncle Wayne Kalani *

Dr. Martina Kamaka

Kamehameha Schools

Erik Kaneshiro

Charles Kaulukukui

Jo Ann and Paige Kawai *

Kawehi and ‘Ohana, KS Haleiwa


Bruce Keaulani *

Vincent Kimura

Ann Marie Kirk


Herb Lee

Leeward Community College Native Hawaiian Center

Living Life Source Foundation *

Christopher Loftis

Kai Lum

Kehaulani Lum *

Kawehi Lum *

Dr. Mahealani Lum *

Winston and Ku‘uipo Lum & `Ohana *

Molly Mamaril and Amund Gismervik

Emma McGuire

Mirabela Medallon

Micah (Hawea)

Senator Bennette Misalucha and `Ohana

Kim Moa & Erika Vargas ‘Ohana

Nā Kumu of `Ewa `Aina Initiative, Malama Learning Center

Nikki Mardegian

Kimberly Mills

Peter Kalawai‘a Moore


Jagger Novak *

Devin Oishi

Asia Oliveira

Harinani Orme *

Clement Paishon

Jeff Pantaleo and `Ohana

Christopher Parish

Louis Perez

Bhakti Rinzler

Rockstar Services

Laurel Salinas-Nakanishi

Scouts BSA Troop 147, `Aiea

Pono Shim

Uncle Francis and Aunty Esse Sinenci

Rebecca Soon

Napali Souza *

Diana Su-Niimi

Jane Sugimura

Michelle and Hoku Swartman

Verna Apio Takashima *

Claire Tamamoto *

Kammie Tavares

Rae Tereari‘i Chandler-‘Iao

Aaron Terry *

Kahale & La‘akea Unciano *

UHP Family Medicine Residents, Pali Momi

Adam Chaison and U.S. Navy Divers

Sandy Ward

Jonah Wataru

Pamela Witty-Oakland

Bert Weeks

Sister Malia Wong

Kanoelani Yadao

Stephen Yadao

Lance Yafuso

Jade Byce

*Kia‘i / Stewards